Safety Valve is a one type of valve that automatically actuates when the pressure of inlet side of the valve increases to a predetermined pressure, to open the valve disc and discharge the fluid ( steam or gas ) ; and when the pressure decreases to the prescribed value, to close the valve disc again. Safety valve is so-called a final safety device which controls the pressure and discharges certain amount of fluid by itself without any electric power support.
Safety Valve is mainly installed in a chemical plant, electric power boiler, gas storage tank, preventing the pressure vessels from exploding or damaging.
- "Nozzle" inside the Safety Valve starts to receive a higher pressure from the inlet side of the valve.
- When the pressure becomes higher than the set pressure, "Disc" starts to lift and discharge the fluid.
- When the pressure decreases until the predetermined pressure, the force of the spring closes "Disc".
"HP" Safety Relief Valve represent the most advance technology in value designed for use in intermediate power boiler and organic fluid vaporizer service.
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www.safetyreliefvalve.net , www.hpvalve.in , www.hpvalve.net
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